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Sullivan indicator is a health state measure of a collection of
persons which is independent of its age structure. So, if the same
definitions are used both for health states and age groups, it offers
a possibility to compare health states of the entire population
between two dates in spite of a modification of its age composition
(provided that the sizes of the age groups are not too large). The
comparability is also increased by the calculation of this indicator
separately for males and females and if necessary (in order to adjust
for structural differences) for other categories.
But the Sullivan indicator has also two essential advantages:
- It is not very sensitive to the size of the age groups which are
used provided an adequate calculation of the
section 3.2.3). For that reason, the use, for example, of
an abridged life table
, instead of a complete
life table, doesn't change essentially the results if values of
for the age intervals are calculated by summing values of
person years on single age intervals,
, from the unabridged life
table [7]. Generally, it is preferred to use five
(sometimes ten)-year age intervals because the sample of most of the
surveys used to derive the prevalence ratios are too small for
allowing smaller age intervals. - Because of the use of life tables (which derive from measures of
age-specific death rates on the entire population), the value of
this indicator has often a good statistical
precision [18] [7]. Moreover, this
precision is rather easy to calculate (see example in annex).
Eric Hauet
Fri Apr 25 22:40:35 DFT 1997