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Variance of tex2html_wrap_inline998

The determination of tex2html_wrap_inline1422 is the subject matter of the table 3. We use the following formula (equation 21):



Age tex2html_wrap_inline1008 tex2html_wrap_inline1022 tex2html_wrap_inline994 tex2html_wrap_inline1340 tex2html_wrap_inline1434 tex2html_wrap_inline1436 tex2html_wrap_inline1438
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
0 100 000 496 892 0.010 0.000012 3 068 384 0.0624 0.25
5 99 244 496 003 0.024 0.000033 7 823 949 0.0630 0.25
tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102
tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102
tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102 tex2html_wrap_inline1102
65 89 367 436 589 0.196 0.000281 53 539 268 0.0466 0.22
70 84 968 408 793 0.286 0.000507 84 661 295 0.0441 0.21
75 78 012 364 013 0.370 0.000675 92 223 675 0.0384 0.20
80 66 625 290 533 0.513 0.000914 77 166 384 0.0325 0.18
85 48 532 289 068 0.710 0.000805 67 281 733 0.0285 0,17
Tableau 3: Calculation of variance and standard error of healthy expectancy at age tex2html_wrap_inline992 : based on French data for 1991, females, simplified calculation.

These are comments on the different columns of the table:

1st column:
ages, tex2html_wrap_inline992 .

2nd column:
the number of people remaining at age tex2html_wrap_inline992 in the fictitious cohort tex2html_wrap_inline1016 , tex2html_wrap_inline1008 ,.

3rd column:
the time spent alive in tex2html_wrap_inline1284 , tex2html_wrap_inline1022 ,.

4th column:
permanent disability prevalence ratios to use in Sullivan formulae, tex2html_wrap_inline994 , taken from table 2.

5th column:
variance of tex2html_wrap_inline994 , tex2html_wrap_inline1340 , taken from table 2.

6th column:
calculations of tex2html_wrap_inline1434 . It is the product of the square of the figures of column 2 by the figures of the 5th column.

7th column:
variance of tex2html_wrap_inline1510 , tex2html_wrap_inline1422 . It is the sum from age x of values of the 6th column to the end, divided by tex2html_wrap_inline1516 .

8th column:
standard error of tex2html_wrap_inline998 , tex2html_wrap_inline1520 . Practically, it is the square roots of values of previous column.

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Eric Hauet
Fri Apr 25 22:40:35 DFT 1997