INED, Sunday April 27, 1997
Provisional Programme
8 :45 Registration at INED, metro and train tickets.
9:30 Welcome at INED /Bienvenue à l'INED
9:45 Viviana Egidi: Lecture on health surveys (methodological aspects) / Les enquêtes Santé, aspects méthodologiques.
11:15 Coffee break/ Pause café
11:30 Herman Van Oyen: Sullivan's index to estimate health expectancy (Life table, cross sectional prevalence, confidence interval) /L'indicateur de Sullivan pour estimer l'espérance de santé (table de mortalité, prévalence transversale, intervalle de confiance).
13:00 Light lunch at INED/Repas froid à l'INED
14:00 Nicolas Brouard: Health expectancy: Multi-state method, incidence based index versus prevalence based. / Espérance de santé : méthode multi-états, approche par l'incidence versus approche par la prévalence.
16 :15 Departure from INED / Départ INED.
3rd general Euro-REVES meeting
Fontevraud, April 28-29, 1997
Provisional Programme
1st day: Monday April 28, 1997
9 :00 First session: MortalityÊ
Mortality at old ages: theoretical problems and forecast
Chairman: Viviana Egidi, ISTAT, Italy
Speakers: James Vaupel, Max Planck Institute, Germany: Heterogeneity, oldest old, theoretical considerations on the future of mortality
Ewa Tabeau, NIDI, The Netherlands: Cohort and period effects in old age mortality
Graziella Caselli, La Sapienza, Italy : What population to compute specific mortality rates at old ages
Harry Cruijsen, EUROSTAT, Luxemburg: Latest mortality foresasts in Europe - a critical review
11 :00 Coffee break/Pause café
11 :30 Second session:
Longitudinal survey on disability: theoretical advantages, estimation and correction of biases
Chairman: Nadia Minicuci, University of Padova, Italy
Speakers: Nicolas Brouard, INED, France: Interval between waves, survey
Dorly Deeg, Free-University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Biases and other methodological difficulties in LASA
Pierre Mormiche, INSEE, France: Use of retrospective question in computing incidence of disability
Sarah Laditka, State University of New York, USA: Is it necessary to have identically spaced survey waves to compute health expectancy ?
12:00 Lunch/Déjeuner
14:30 Third session: Health expectancy estimations
Chairman: James Vaupel, Max Planck Institute, Germany
Speakers: Christopher Heathcote, Australian National University, Australia:
A parametric alternative to Sullivan method
Jan Barendregt, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands:
Public health indicators: the relationship between application and implementation
Annick C Berod, University of Lausanne, Switzerland: Computing standard deviations of healthy life expectancy using bootstrap
Viviana Egidi, ISTAT, Italy: Incidence data from register and health expectancy calculations
Emily Grundy, Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, United Kingdom: socio-economic differentials in the onset of disability in early old age.
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Fourth session: Mental health indicators in longitudinal surveys
Chairman: Karen Ritchie, INSERM, Montpellier, France
Speakers: Carol Jagger, University of Leicester, Great Britain
18 :00 Visit of the Abbey
19 :30 Dinner
21h30 Concert.
2nd day: Tuesday April 29, 1997
8:30 Five session: New calculations and policy relevance
Invited chairman: Harry van de Water, TNO, The Netherlands
Invited speakers: Vilma Nusselder, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Sixth session: Round table
Discussion on a manual
Chairman: Nicolas Brouard, INED, France
Carol Jagger, Eric Hauet, Herman van Oyen, Christopher Heathcote
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Seven session: Policy relevanceÊ2
Chairman: Jean-Marie Robine, INSERM, Montpellier, France
Speakers: Harry van de Water, TNO, The Netherlands
Emmanuelle Cambois, INSERM, Montpellier, France
15:00 End of the sessions