Last update: NB 19 November 1996

EURO-REVES : Harmonization of Health Expectancy Calculations in Europe

Euro-REVES (REVES is a french acronym which means: Réseau sur l'espérance de vie en santé) is a European Concerted Action on Harmonization of Health Expectancy Calculations in Europe.

OBJECTIVES : Harmonization of health expectancy calculations in EuropeAt a general level three broad aims may be differentiated :

1) The development of guidelines for the construction and calculation of health expectancies with a view to European harmonization of concepts, data collection, and calculation methods.

2) To provide a European data base on health expectancies from the calculations made by members of the Concerted Action teams which may be put at the disposition of individuals and organizations involved in health research and development programmes.

3) To edit a reference document describing concepts, questionnaires and calculation methods which may be used as a basis for the further promotion of calculations by other countries both within and outside Europe.

Presentation of EuroREVES as defined by our proposal to the European Community in 1993.
The World-Wide server can be accessed at the following address

The network is divided for practical purposes into three committees :

Euroreves coordination


2nd EURO-REVES meeting Royal Society of Medicine, London 4-5 July 1996.

3d EURO-REVES meeting, 27-29 April 1997, Fontevrault (France)